

The Tāmaki Primary School Board have adopted our Policies set out in the Tāmaki Primary School SchoolDocs portal.  

  1. Click on
  2. Start typing in the search box our School name & then select it from the dropdown list
  3. Enter the community username: tamakiprimary and password: tripoli

***TERM 1 BOARD POLICY REVIEW is now open for your comment (please see Newsletter reminders)

Tāmaki Primary School Policies – we welcome shared review

–  when in the TPS SchoolDocs site, look for & click on the blue ‘Reviews’ Tab  where we welcome your comment on specific policies that are scheduled for review by the Board

***As per the Board’s Policy and Term 2 review, the Board shared their DRAFT Health and Physical Education Curriculum Delivery Statement for parents’/caregivers’ feedback.  The Board has now adopted the Health and Physical Education Curriculum Delivery Statement.

TPS_HPE Statement DRAFT Aug 2023_Board.pdf

The Board once again thanks you for your vital feedback. 

We welcome your queries.  Please visit, call or email the Principal | Tumuaki


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