
Te Puna Wairua | Rumaki Reo

Tēnā koutou katoa


“Ko te reo kia tika. Ko te reo kia rere.  Ko te reo kia Māori.  Ko te reo kia ora.” (References a longer kōrero by Tā Tīmoti Kāretu: the language needs to be correct, the language needs to be heard far and wide, the language needs to be Māori in ethos.)

Our Rumaki Unit Te Puna Wairua ākonga Māori are led by our Pou Matua me Pouako, Whaea Lee Tutengaehe.  Te Marautanga o Aotearoa (currently under review) Curriculum instruction is delivered mostly Te Reo Māori with very minimal English for ākonga Māori in Tau 1 to 8.  Prior to enrolment, parents and whānau hui with the Tumuaki and Whaea Lee.

We’re super proud of our Te Puna Wairua ākonga Māori and their success!  Nau mai, haere mai!  Entry criteria to this Māori Medium class can be read on our Enrolment page.  You’re very welcome to hui with Whaea Lee or īmēra her, if interested in more information.

Ngā mihi e te whānau

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